40 easy nursery rhymes to start playing guitar (TAB)
Here you can find a compilation of 40(!) fun nursery rhymes and well-known melodies to start learning music for guitar. Perfect if you have kids or students who want to play songs that they already know. All of the songs in my digital download (PDF) are notated in guitar tablature, so it’s not necessary to know how to read music!
Many of these songs are popular choices when teaching music children, but students of any age can use this list. I’ve found that a lot of my younger students really enjoy learning nursery rhymes since they’ve heard these tunes before, and the music is often very simple and beginner-friendly. Even some of my adult students enjoy the opportunity to play something easy and familiar.
The 40 songs in my PDF file are a mix of the most common nursery rhymes, folk songs and popular music. So you’re sure to find songs you know and once loved, that bring a certain sense of childhood nostalgia.✨
Here are the songs that are included:
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Hot Cross Buns
The Wheels on the Bus
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Skip to My Lou
Rain, Rain Go Away
London Bridge
The Farmer in the Dell
It’s Raining, It’s Pouring
Lavender’s Blue
Aura Lee
Camptown Races
Lightly Row
Minuet in G
When the Saints Go Marching In
Yellow Submarine - the Beatles
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
I’ve Been Working On the Railroad
Happy Birthday
Yankee Doodle
For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow
Amazing Grace
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Home On the Range
Old McDonald
Frere Jacques
Do Your Ears Hang Low?
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Down In The Valley
If You’re Happy and You Know It
Humpty Dumpty
She’ll Be Coming ‘Round
On Top of Old Smokey
The songs in the PDF are arranged by string number (melodies confined to a certain range of strings—ordered from highest to lowest), include lyrics and are no more than two lines long.
Below is a FREE sample of my digital download! You’ll get the first 10 songs in the list!
FREE SAMPLE - 40 easy nursery rhymes to start playing guitar
To purchase the whole digital download with all 40 nursery rhymes, visit my Etsy shop here.
Extra resources:
The A to Z Guide to Understanding Guitar Tab Symbols (website)
How to Read Guitar Tab (video)
How to Read Guitar Tab (video)